We present energy efficiency in financial terms, helping people make sustainable choices that save them money
Our unique energy insights provide new meaningful ways of promoting efficient products for manufacturers and retailers
Youreko's Energy Savings Tool running on samsung.com
Introducing our
Youreko's Energy Savings Widget button - gold for energy savings

Our Energy Savings Tool runs on manufacturer and retailer websites and helps people understand the real financial benefit of purchasing an energy efficient appliance. We provide 3 key insights to promote efficient products.

Energy Savings. We show how much a product will save in energy costs compared to the least efficient like for like model in the market.

Ratings. We give products a gold, silver or bronze rating based on their energy savings.

Recommendations. We provide recommendations based on energy savings that have a clear financial benefit, for example an alternative product may be £20 more buy but costs £170 less to run, leaving the customer £150 in-pocket.

Youreko's Energy Savings Tool - positive energy savings message
Youreko's Energy Savings Tool - gold, silver or bronze rating based on energy savings
Youreko's Energy Savings Tool - recommendations for more efficient products that save money in energy costs
Energy savings present a positive message with a clear financial value for comparison
Gold, silver and bronze ratings call out the products with the highest energy savings
Recommendations based on energy savings - why wouldn't you spend an extra £30 to save £211 in energy costs?
Business case
Our Energy Savings Tool is proven to increase conversions, average order values and drive sales.

The conversion rate for visitors who engage with Youreko is on average 3 TIMES the rate of those who do not engage.

Up to 40% of buyers actively engage with Youreko.
Youreko's Energy Savings Tool - example European installation on Italian site
We'd love to hear from you. Our innovative Energy Savings Tool is good news for your customers, your bottom line and the environment too. Installation couldn't be simpler, just add our JavaScript tag to your site. If you want to know more, drop us an email.
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Run Youreko on your favourite retailer and manufacturer sites